
Informative articles on Cybersecurity, IT Services, and cyber threats as they relate to small and medium size companies.

Strengthening Cyber Defenses in Lexington, VA: Local Solutions for Local Businesses

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With cyber-attacks on the rise, hackers are continuously targeting businesses every day. As a result, small and even large companies are vulnerable and falling victim to these attacks.

Can your company react and defend itself against cyber attacks? With sophisticated methods, hackers are getting smarter, and more than one layer of protection is required. The only way your business can protect itself is by having the best cyber defenses to prevent an attack.


Continue reading below where we'll discuss the comparison between cyber defense and cyber security, why cyber defense is necessary, the top cyber defense strategies, and the top cyber defense solutions for your company.

What is Cyber Defense?


When Internet Technology first began, only large companies and government agencies needed to worry about cyber defense, not the average person or small businesses. Today, hackers can now target someone's mobile device, credit card information, and sensitive personal data that are stored by both small businesses and mid-sized companies.


Cyber defense gives a business the ability to defend against attacks through cyber security when you’re on the go. Cyber defense involves a process that protects a network, its sensitive data, and unauthorized access by hackers. The most common types of cyber defense practices include:


  • Installing software or hardware that can deter hackers
  • Analyze and patch network vulnerabilities
  • Implement solutions to diffuse zero-hour attacks
  • Recovering from cyber attacks 

Cyber Defense Vs. Cyber Security


Are cyber defense and cyber security considered the same thing? Well, it depends on how you view it. You can view cyber defense as a part of cyber security or see them differently. However, the best thing to do is view cyber defense as a part of cyber security.


Cyber defense is a part of cyber security as it deals with defending networks and setting up methods to prevent hackers from stealing sensitive information from businesses. In the same sense, many believe cyber defense and cyber security are the same, though that neglects the importance of the critical differences between the two.

Two Ways to Look at Cyber Defense


There are two ways you can look at cyber defense. 


  1. The defensive part of cyber security - this is the most common way you'll most likely look at cyber defense. Cyber defense means to defend your networks from hackers, which is the main part of cyber security.
  2. Military field - In specific situations, some companies like to view cyber defense and cyber security differently. Cyber security is often used by companies, whereas cyber defense is used by military fields. 

Why is Cyber Defense Necessary for Businesses?

Without an essential cyber defense strategy, your company will be vulnerable to hackers. Cyber defense is vital for your business to protect sensitive data and customer information. When in the wrong hands, this sensitive information can be dangerous when used by hackers.


For example, without a proper cyber defense strategy, hackers can gain access to your customer’s sensitive credit information and hurt the reputation of your business. When hackers gain access to your customer information, this could lead your business to lose its customers and even open your business up to legal issues. 

Top Cyber Defense Strategies

1. Detection


The main part of all cyber defense strategies should be detection. By understanding the potential threats, you can detect where your cyber defenses are most at risk and implement appropriate cyber defenses. Two ways that companies run into a threat are technical vulnerabilities and human vulnerabilities.


Your company can detect a technical vulnerability with any program that can scan for these. Scanning for vulnerabilities can identify security weaknesses in your devices, internal and external networks, and equipment.


As well as scanning your network for vulnerabilities, a program can enable cyber defenses where needed. In addition, human vulnerabilities happen by clicking and opening a harmful email, which is why hackers rely heavily on phishing.


By creating staff awareness, you can train your staff to mitigate the risk of a cyber attack. Employees will learn how to spot phishing emails and what they can do if they click on one mistakenly. Proper employee training is essential to protect your business to the fullest. 

2. Protection


No matter how much you may think your business is protected, at some point, hackers can always make their way through your first layer of protection. This is especially the case when hackers can outsmart cyber defense strategies. 


To prepare for this occurrence, businesses should implement cyber security controls to ensure their staff know how to manage cyber defenses and data breaches.


When you train your employees and give them professional certification, you can ensure your staff is skilled enough to maintain your security defenses.

3. Management


The following security strategy focuses on cyber security as a process rather than a solution like cyber defense.


The management strategy focuses on how your business can manage any potential cyber security risks in addition to their other operations. Managing cyber security risks can include implementing risk-based security controls, managing supply chain security, and carrying out audits.


With the assistance of ISO 27001, your business can perform these tasks. 

4. Response


When you have implemented proper security measures, you can minimize the risk and the success of an attack. Keep in mind it only takes one mistake, sometimes small, for a data breach to occur. This is primarily why your business should add a layer of security that can address these situations in the event of an attack.


The more prepared your company is for a cyber attack, the faster you and your employees can act to minimize the damage. This is especially important when it comes to data breaches that involve sensitive personal data. In the event your days have been breached, you have 72 hours to report it to data protection authorities. 


With continued management, you can address this layer of security in combination with cyber security, audits, and security of your supply chain. With cyber response management, you can develop plans to cover unwanted cyber attacks from all types of situations, such as power outages and natural disasters.

5. Recovery


The last strategy of cyber defense is recovery, which addresses the aftermath of when you have a data breach. At times, the recovery process can seem more stressful than you may have anticipated. Sometimes it can take months for a business to fully recover when they don't have proper cyber defenses in place.


In addition, your business should have cyber insurance in place to give your company peace of mind and to help your company get back on its feet quickly.

Top Cyber Defense Solutions for Local Businesses

Server and Computer Management


Keeping your devices up to date, such as computers and servers, are a crucial part of shielding your company from a cyber attack. When attempting to do it manually, it can become a time-consuming process, but with advanced automation, you can stay up-to-date and remain safe from attacks.

“Stay in the Lane” Technology


With CyberLynx "Stay in the Lane" technology, you can keep all of your applications in the right lane and keep them performing at high levels. This technology will help protect your business from hackers. 


This technology will monitor your computers and keep any applications from functioning poorly and will also prevent any new applications from being installed without authorization.


CyberLynx "Stay in the Lane" technology is great for small businesses and can provide maximum protection and control over your computers. What's the best part? Our technology is entirely managed by CyberLynx, so you don't need to do a thing!

Intrusion Detection and Response (IDR)


With CyberLynx Intrusion Detection and Response, you can have your networks actively monitored around the clock for signs of a cyber attack before they occur. At CyberLynx, we use a combination of advanced AI to monitor activity in combination with our skilled security professionals who review alerts from the AI.

Endpoint Detection and Response


When your business has an antivirus, it can only detect and prevent viruses from occurring. In our technology-driven world, hackers are becoming more sophisticated with their methods of attacking businesses. At CyberLynx, our powerful AI can detect and stop hackers at every endpoint, no matter the location of your computer.


Our endpoint detection and response solution is backed by our around-the-clock security operations center, which can analyze every situation and detect additional harmful threats.

Vulnerability Scanning and Remediation


At CyberLynx, we have vulnerability scanning and remediation that can go beyond a simple test. Our experts can scan your network for vulnerabilities that attract hackers, such as missing security patches, open ports, and unsecured settings. From our vulnerability scanning, we will analyze, prioritize, and address our findings to seal any gaps in your security before they’re exposed by a hacker.

Why You Should Choose CyberLynx for Your Cybersecurity Services


At CyberLynx, we can help your company obtain the best cyber defenses by providing you with the best technology that is strategic and affordable. We can provide you with a team of experts that can protect your business from cyberattacks before they occur. We offer various services that can help protect your small business from cyber-attacks.


Contact CyberLynx


If you're interested in cybersecurity services for your business, give us a call today.


Address: 7315 Wisconsin Ave, Suite 400W

Bethesda, MD 20814

Sales: 301-798-9170

Support: 202-996-6600


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